Olga Shabarina
Independent Consultant
Lawyer in Banking and Finance Law
of Russia and the European Union
I practice a business-oriented approach,
combine critical and creative ways of thinking
to solve client problems
Olga Shabarina
Independent Consultant
Lawyer in Banking and Finance Law
of Russia and the European Union
I practice a business-oriented approach,
combine critical and creative ways of thinking
to solve client problems
university degrees:
Research University HSE, Russia,
Leiden University, Adv. LLM, Holland
years of professional experience in banking
and finance law
years of management
experience in a bank's
Legal Department
I develop strategies for interaction with banks, financial institutions, regulatory authorities in case of disputes in Russia and the EU, and provide legal opinions
Legal Documents
I draw up documents from scratch, help in collecting documents for submission to banks, financial institutions, regulatory authorities (applications, complaints, objections, explanations, justifications, lists of supporting documents, etc.) in Russia and the EU
I provide correspondence and legal support at every stage of interaction with banks, financial institutions, regulatory authorities in Russia and the EU
I draft claims, objections, complaints for submission to courts in Russia and the EU
Related questions
I provide assistance in resolving other issues, including those related to bankruptcy, debt restructuring, debt collection, enforcement proceedings (bailiffs), inheritance, consumer protection, personal data protection, insurance, etc.
Risk Assessment
I provide consultations, draw up scenarios of events development, develop strategies for interaction with banks, financial institutions, regulatory authorities in case of disputes in Russia and the EU, provide an assessment of legal risks under contracts, projects, interaction schemes, financial products and services
Legal Documents
I draw up documents from scratch, help in collecting documents for submission to banks, financial institutions, regulatory authorities (applications, complaints, objections, explanations, justifications, lists of supporting documents, contracts, etc.) in Russia and the EU
I provide correspondence and legal support at every stage of interaction with banks, financial institutions, regulatory authorities in Russia and the EU
I draft claims, objections, complaints for submission to courts in Russia and the EU
Related Questions
I provide assistance in resolving other issues, including those related to bankruptcy, debt restructuring, debt collection, enforcement proceedings (bailiffs), insurance, etc.
Comprehensive Support
I provide comprehensive legal support to projects and startups in Russia and the EU
Risk Assessment
I provide consultations, draw up scenarios of events development, develop strategies in the case of disputes in Russia and the EU, present an assessment of legal risks for projects, contracts, interaction schemes, products and services
Drafting of Contracts
I draft contracts in connection with new products, services, processes or changes in legislation
Disputes with Authorities
I prepare responses, justifications, explanations, and provide consultations in case of disputes with regulatory authorities in Russia and the EU
Helped organize and implement full legal support
for corporate and retail businesses in 8 top
Russian banks
Participated in the startups of banks and their divisions: RN Bank (Renault-Nissan Alliance), retail division of IŞBANK (Turkish Is Bankasi)
Helped organize and implement full legal support for corporate and retail businesses in 8 top Russian banks
Participated in the startups of banks and their divisions: RN Bank (Renault-Nissan Alliance), retail division of IŞBANK (Turkish Is Bankasi)
Career: from Junior Legal Adviser to Head of the Legal Depart-ment of the bank, working in such banks as Citibank (Citigroup), BSGV (Societe Generale Group), Rosbank, Raiffeisenbank, RN Bank (Renault-Nissan Alliance), IŞBANK (Turkish Is Bankasi), Renaissance Credit Bank, etc.
Legal expertise: on loans, deposits, bank cards, pledges, guarantees and other collateral, cash management services, transfers and payments, IPS, DIA, Internet and mobile banking, e-commerce, marketing and advertising, IT/digital, insurance, factoring, acquiring, bankruptcy, debt collection services, enforcement proceedings, inheritance, interaction/communica-tions with regulatory authorities, courts and much more.
Career: from Junior Legal Adviser to Head of the Legal Department of the bank, working in such banks as Citibank (Citigroup), BSGV (Societe Generale Group), Rosbank, Raiffeisenbank, RN Bank (Renault-Nissan Alliance), IŞBANK (Turkish Is Bankasi), Renaissance Credit Bank, etc.
Legal expertise: on loans, deposits, bank cards, pledges, guarantees and other collateral, cash management services, transfers and payments, IPS, DIA, e-commerce, Internet and mobile banking, marketing and advertising, IT/digital, insurance, factoring, acquiring, bankruptcy, debt collection services, enforcement proceedings, inheritance, interaction/communications with regulatory authorities, courts and much more.
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You can contact me with any questions you may have by email or by using the feedback form
By clicking on the “Submit form”, you confirm that you have read Privacy Policy and give your Consent to the processing of personal data.
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© 2024 Olga Shabarina
Lawyer in Banking and Finance Law of Russia and the EU
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